An Open Letter To The Hustler


Hustle, hustle, hustle, hard; hustle, hustle, hustle, hard

Hustle, hustle, hustle, hard; closed mouths don’t get fed on this boulevard

– Ace Hood, 2011.

You know this song, right? This verse of the song is the only part I know simply because it resonates with me and has a nice head-bopping beat to it.

I know there are so many formal and informal meanings to the word hustle but here is my personal sense of it, the definition upon which this blog post to you is based. According to Yours Truly, aka Moi, Hustle means “working hard to make your goals a reality, making sure there is always ‘bacon’ on the table and getting up against all odds, against all challenges and difficulties to make things happen for you”. I see you clapping- thank you thank you, thank you (lol).

To the crux of the matter though, you’ve been hustling since inception. Web MD website states that fast-swimming sperm can reach the female egg in half an hour while others may take days. So even when no one was watching, you hustled to be the fastest of those swimmers and here you are. If I ask you what you’re about, I’m sure you’ll tell me it’s to really live, to exist, to be brazen and relentless in the pursuits of your dreams, hopes and aspirations. You want to generate more authentic success, fulfilment, meaning and reward in your career and personal life,  you  want to be in a job or business that provides financial compensation that you want, one that is intellectually stimulating and challenging. You want to count for something, you are constantly pushing, waiting patiently, succeeding, failing, disappointed, jolted out of your comfort zone, striving to be the best you can be, and when you fall, you still get back up. And it doesn’t matter that you’re young or old, male or female, educated or uneducated, in Africa or in Europe, rich or poor, what you have is that drive to succeed (based on your personal definition of success) and to be intentional with your life. You’ve got dreams and  I totally relate with you.

As we speak, it’s just a tad past the middle of the year and you’re still at it. Have you won big or are you about to give up? Did that door you thought will open close in your face or have you exceeded your own expectations? Are you doubting yourself? Don’t. Is life weighing you down? Don’t let it. Are you tired of waiting? Hold on. Ready to throw in the towel? Give it one more push. Why? Because you are a hustler friend, that’s why. Yes you’re not perfect, but you believe in yourself, you are proactive, you take initiative, you are responsible, you steer away from unnecessary drama, you’re self-aware, patient, a hard worker and you’re smart.

Today, the 4th of August, I implore you to not give in to your fear, doubt, imperfection or insecurity. Don’t let the newness of your unfamiliar environment hide your uniqueness. Don’t let the period of transition you are going through make you doubt the outcomes. Mute all the voices in your head and decide on your next move. Re-evaluate and revise those plans. Don’t let the  long waiting make you lose hope. Keep the faith. Be courageous. Don’t neglect your mind and body in the process- take care of yourself. Believe in your abilities. Things will work out- you know they always do. Give it a little hope and a little push.

And the key take out for today? Sit tight, hang in there and HOLD ON.

Image: Pixabay


  • Thank you Eniola. I may have not achieved all that I wanted to achieve so far and I’m not throwing in the towel. I will keep on pushing and making sure that i take on chewable chunks.

    • Definitely, it’s all in the chewable chunks; and it is not over until the fat lady sings and she hasn’t sung yet so, it is to keep moving. Thanks so much for reading KB!

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