
Copyright policy

All content published on this website is written by me and represents solely my opinion and that of no other. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of the content without permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used if full and clear credit will be given to the blog author with appropriate and specific direction to the original content (images are solely sourced from Pixabay). Guest bloggers and other contributors who may feature on www.allthingsgoingsouth.com occasionally are responsible for their own submitted material and I cannot be held liable for their opinions.

Hold harmless

Please note that all information provided on and taken from Allthingsgoingsouth.com is for entertainment purposes only. I am not providing medical, legal, financial or other professional advice.

Reserve rights

I reserve the right to change the focus of this blog, shut it down, sell it or to change the terms of use at my discretion, with/without notice.

Advertisers and sponsors

If the day comes where sponsors/advertisers choose to advertise on my site, please note that I will not be held responsible for their actions. BUT sponsored content will always be clearly marked as such, and any form of compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts published on this blog. I never have and will never partner with and/or promote any brands and/or products I can’t personally use and vouch for. Also, if you buy a service or product based on a link from my blog, you must take action and resolve any issues with the specific company and not me.

Letters to the editors

If you contact me, be it through a letter, email, tweet, message etc., I will keep your identity confidential. I may mention the message/information you shared with me simply to help fellow blog readers BUT your identity will still be kept confidential, unless you state otherwise.